Grow Your Brand and Your Business in 10 Seconds

Grow Your Brand and Your Business in 10 Seconds We have all been standing or sitting next to someone who looks at you and says: “What do you do?” or “What business are you in?” or “Not seen you at this event before; what made you come?” This is an invitation to make a great impression. This person may need exactly what you’re in business for, or they may know someone who does. Their question gives you two choices, you can: Say something obvious, that produces an “Oh, thanks.” Or you can say something that makes them sit up and
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Improve Your Leadership with This Skills Assessment

Improve Your Leadership with This Skills Assessment Good leaders reassess their skills regularly. Whether you’re a veteran or new to leadership, spend some time exploring these questions in detail:  Who and what do I influence? Your sphere of influence isn’t defined or limited by your job title. Who asks for your advice? How do your decisions affect other people and different departments? Do people follow your example without being asked? Can I improve my people skills? Leadership is based on personal relationships. How well do you get along with people at different levels? How well do you listen to others?
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Self-Managers Wanted: Here’s What to Look For

Self-Managers Wanted: Here’s What to Look For The “perfect” employee isn’t one who does whatever you say, but someone who knows what to do without having to be told. It’s someone who performs the job without constant prodding, someone who can manage himself or herself with a minimum of interference from you. Here’s what to look for in a self-managing employee:  Goals. Look for people who set their own objectives and push themselves to achieve them. Instead of accomplishing the bare minimum, they stretch to do a little bit more, or a little bit better, without anyone else telling them
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10 Questions to Help You Elicit the Best from Your Workforce

10 Questions to Help You Elicit the Best from Your Workforce Your success as a leader—and your organization’s success, as well—depend on your ability to get the best from your employees. You can’t expect it to come automatically, though. You have to search carefully for each person’s exceptional talents. For every person you lead, see how thoroughly you can answer the questions below: How well do you really know the employee? What can you quickly recall of the employee’s family, personal goals, hobbies, or other outside interests? What do you know specifically about his or her career goals, both short
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Personal Routines and Business Procedures: What Works and What Doesn’t

The Importance of Routines and Procedures Not everybody loves routines and procedures. But everybody has them. When you wake up in the morning, you probably have a routine or a ritual that you go through in order to wake up and get ready for work. This might be a routine that someone taught you when you were a kid. Or it might be something that you’ve arrived at over the years because you feel that it works for you.  Sometimes, we just go through these routines and procedures without thinking about whether they really work for us. It might take
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Know What Employees Want from You

5 Things Employees Really Want What do your employees really want? Jumping to conclusions is never safe. To be a better manager, remember these basic truths about everyone who works for you: “I want to feel important.” No one wants to feel like a number, interchangeable, or easy to forget. Get to know your employees as people; find out what makes each one unique and show them you’re paying attention to their individuality. “I need encouragement.” Even the best employees continue to flourish with positive feedback. Let them know what they’re doing right and how they can keep performing at
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Know What Employees Want from You

Finding out what your employees want will make you a better manager!  What do your employees really want? Jumping to conclusions is never safe. To be a better manager, remember these basic truths about everyone who works for you: “I want to feel important.” No one wants to feel like a number, interchangeable, or easy to forget. Get to know your employees as people; find out what makes each one unique and show them you’re paying attention to their individuality. “I need encouragement.” Even the best employees continue to flourish with positive feedback. Let them know what they’re doing right
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Rev Up the Disengaged Employees in Your Workforce

Motivate Employees That Are Unproductive  Some employees come to work every morning, leave promptly at 5:00 p.m., and do just enough work to get by. Frequently they’re the remains of formerly enthusiastic and productive employees who are burned out or just feel forgotten. Here’s how to change that: Explain roles. Make a point of telling employees why you need them to do what they do. A thorough understanding of the role they play will help them find greater value in the work they do.   Communicate customer feedback. Most employees enjoy hearing from customers. Share information and feedback about how
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