Build Team Spirit in Your Workforce

Let’s Build Your Team Spirit! Employees don’t work in isolation, whatever their jobs are. They’re part of a team, large or small, and your efforts to motivate them should be team-based. Emphasize the connections among individual employees and between employees’ home and work lives. Here are three ways to accomplish this:   Build high opinions of one another’s skills and strengths. Encourage your staff to praise their colleagues at meetings with questions like, “Who helped you out this week?” Public praise from peers redirects focus away from the boss/worker relationship and extends accountability to the entire team, which in turn
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Greet Clients by Name

Something so simple goes a long way. It’s one of the first words we hear and one of our favorite sounding words: Our own name! When you greet a client by name — and continue using it throughout your conversation — it puts them at ease and sends the message that you care about them both personally and professionally. Be careful, though, of being too familiar too quickly. It is generally safe to call clients Mr. Jones or Ms. Smith but it may seem rude to refer to them as just John or Mary. Be especially aware if you are
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Position Yourself as an Expert Source

We’ve got some tips on how to establish your position People respond to authority. You’ll be able to persuade them more easily if you can position yourself as an expert in your field or industry. Here are some tips for establishing your credentials:  Cite the experts yourself. Show people you’ve done your homework. Quote authoritative sources of information that they already trust, and you’ll build your reputation as a reliable resource. Highlight your qualifications. Don’t beat people over the head with your degrees and accomplishments, but do look for ways to remind them of your expertise and knowledge. “When I
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