We’ve got some tips on how to establish your position

People respond to authority. You’ll be able to persuade them more easily if you can position yourself as an expert in your field or industry. Here are some tips for establishing your credentials:

  •  Cite the experts yourself. Show people you’ve done your homework. Quote authoritative sources of information that they already trust, and you’ll build your reputation as a reliable resource.
  • Highlight your qualifications. Don’t beat people over the head with your degrees and accomplishments, but do look for ways to remind them of your expertise and knowledge. “When I was managing a tax department at XYZ Company” is one way to establish your experience, for example. 
  • Get testimonials. Nothing enhances your credibility like recognition from other experts. Ask others to share their experience working with you. Their words will support your image.
  • Dress appropriately. You don’t have to wear a three-piece suit for every meeting, but pay attention to your appearance. Does it send the right message—that you’re someone on whom people can depend?

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