LISTEN! Being an excellent and effective listener is key to a professional’s success in life and business. The ability to really, truly listen to another can strengthen relationships, aide in resolving conflicts and improve accuracy. Active listening is as simple as L-I-S-T-E-N.  L – LIKE First of all, you have to find something you sincerely like about the person you are talking to. I – INTEREST You have to have a sincere interest in the person OR in what they are saying. S – SEE Try to see things from the other’s perspective, try to understand the reasons why they
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Which is Worth More: Client Satisfaction or Client Loyalty?

Which is Worth More: Client Satisfaction or Client Loyalty? A happy, loyal client might find a lower price elsewhere, but they are more likely to stay with you than a client who is merely satisfied.  A loyal client will drive the extra miles when a competitor opens closer to home. They’ll be willing to work virtually or some other way. A loyal client knows that when you make a mistake, it’s not typical. Loyal clients are more likely to tell you when they’re unhappy and allow you the chance to make things right. If your goal is to satisfy clients,
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Get More Done by Hiring the Right People to Help

Get More Done by Hiring the Right People to Help No matter how good a leader you are, you can’t do everything yourself. You can get more done with the right help from the right members of your workforce.  Follow these three steps:  Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Get feedback from those around you to find out where to put your energy productively. Determine what fuels your passion. Where do you excel? What is your brilliance? Then work these strengths and delegate the rest of it. Recruit and retain people who complement your weaknesses. Find employees with the natural strengths
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Build a superstar team with these 3 tips!

The question on the mind of small and large accounting firms in this job market is: where is the top talent that I’m looking for to fill my open position? The fact is that in this day and age, the candidate is in the position of power during the interviewing process. With the unemployment rate at a level we haven’t seen in quite some time, businesses are now more than ever in a desperate race to reach qualified candidates before they receive offers from competitors.  While a strong candidate may be an asset for your company, without the right dynamic
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Are You Delegating the Wrong Way?

One of the most important characteristics of a good manager or a good business owner is the ability to delegate. You’re not going to have time to do everything. The sooner you can let things go, the better: you can focus on growth and overall strategy, not day-to-day details. But delegating is hard, and nobody’s perfect at it. So regularly check in on your delegation style, especially if you’ve just started. Ask yourself these three questions: 1. Am I overloading employees beyond what they expected? None of your employees will love your company like you do. You might be willing
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There Are Two Types of Clients

Every business has two types of clients: Internal and external. External clients are the ones who purchase our products and services. As business owners, we place a huge emphasis on providing excellent customer service to keep those clients happy and to keep them coming back. We can’t forget, though, the importance of providing excellent service to our internal clients as well.  Who are our internal clients? These are the individuals who play an important role in keeping your business running smoothly. If you are an accountant, your internal clients are those who you need to do your job. Consider the
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Ongoing Training Is A Must

Ongoing Training Is A Must.     You can’t just provide first-day training to team members and leave it at that. To successfully deliver excellent customer service, you must be consistent and persistent and provide ongoing training. This doesn’t require huge time commitments. After all, education experts say short and frequent messages have more lasting results and are more effective that longer and less frequent training lessons.   Short inspirational messages, weekly tips, short educational videos and employee newsletters are all ways you can provide ongoing training in small doses.       For more information, please go to  
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Listen with Eyes Wide Open

Listen with Eyes Wide Open.   Try using your eyes to listen. It might sound funny, but the truth is your eyes communicate to clients that you are paying attention. Even in instances where you can’t greet a client aloud — perhaps you are in conversation with another client or on the phone — simple eye contacts speaks volumes.    Remember the 10-Second Rule. Even if you are busy with someone else, make eye contact with a client within 10 seconds. Simply capturing a client’s gaze will keep them from feeling ignored and likely keep them from leaving. “Smile” with your
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Spread Smiles

Spread Smiles.   Actions speak louder than words and so do smiles! When you smile at someone, it sends the message that you like them and you are happy to see them. It’s hard not to smile back when someone smiles at you. That’s because smiles are contagious.  When someone makes a gesture to you, especially a nice one, who can resist responding in kind? Have you ever been greeted at the door by a dog, almost excited out of their skin because they have missed you? It makes you feel pretty special, doesn’t it? Imagine if everyone you met throughout
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Grow Your Brand and Your Business in 10 Seconds

Grow Your Brand and Your Business in 10 Seconds We have all been standing or sitting next to someone who looks at you and says: “What do you do?” or “What business are you in?” or “Not seen you at this event before; what made you come?” This is an invitation to make a great impression. This person may need exactly what you’re in business for, or they may know someone who does. Their question gives you two choices, you can: Say something obvious, that produces an “Oh, thanks.” Or you can say something that makes them sit up and
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