There Are Two Types of Clients

Every business has two types of clients: Internal and external. External clients are the ones who purchase our products and services. As business owners, we place a huge emphasis on providing excellent customer service to keep those clients happy and to keep them coming back. We can’t forget, though, the importance of providing excellent service to our internal clients as well.  Who are our internal clients? These are the individuals who play an important role in keeping your business running smoothly. If you are an accountant, your internal clients are those who you need to do your job. Consider the
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Get Your Point Across Quickly in Emails

Get Your Point Across Quickly in Emails Email is virtually inescapable, especially in the professional world. In many organizations, it’s essential. Ideally, you should keep yours as concise as possible. Here are some tips for getting your message across efficiently and effectively: Start with a salutation. When beginning a message chain, especially in the morning, a little “hello” or “TGIF” goes a long way. Choose one topic and stick to it. For example, the central topic here is Paul’s vacation; the offshoots are the delegated responsibilities: Hi, all. Reminder that I will be on vacation next week. In my absence:
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Position Yourself as an Expert Source

We’ve got some tips on how to establish your position People respond to authority. You’ll be able to persuade them more easily if you can position yourself as an expert in your field or industry. Here are some tips for establishing your credentials:  Cite the experts yourself. Show people you’ve done your homework. Quote authoritative sources of information that they already trust, and you’ll build your reputation as a reliable resource. Highlight your qualifications. Don’t beat people over the head with your degrees and accomplishments, but do look for ways to remind them of your expertise and knowledge. “When I
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3 Ways to Make Your Clients Feel Valued

Keep Them Coming Back By Making Clients Feel Valued Do you want your clients to keep coming back? You have to make them feel valued and establish a connection with them. Here are some tips for doing so. Go the Extra Mile When it comes to customer service, go the extra mile. It is worth it in the long run. Having superb customer service will cause people to leave positive reviews about you online, which is extremely important for your bottom line. Be Personal If you want to connect with your clients, do not be too cold and businesslike. This
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