Planning, starting and running your own accounting firm is like playing whack-a-mole: you solve one problem, only for another to appear. Given the challenges all businesses (and business owners) experience, it’s important to cultivate your ability to develop and maintain a positive attitude.

    Here are some simple ways to strengthen your positive attitude muscles:

    • Remember to breathe. Taking slow, calm, deep breaths helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation. As your body becomes less stressed and more relaxed, you’ll find it easier to be more positive and motivated.
    • Meditate daily. You can find simple non-denominational techniques on the internet. The more you learn how to “witness” your thoughts rolling by, the more you’ll be able to focus on more positive, motivating ones. There are also meditation videos on YouTube that are very effective.
    • Read inspirational quotes. Reading a positive quote or affirmation during stressful moments will help your mind release negative thoughts. Post them around your work area, so they’re easily read at any time.
    • Read books on positive thinking and motivation. Growing and maintaining a positive attitude is just like building muscles—you’ll need good coaches to help you stay focused. You can also listen to audiobooks in your car on the way to work.
    • Have fun and laugh a lot. Find the humor and absurdity in stressful situations. The more you can laugh through challenging moments and situations, the more positive you will feel. As you strengthen this habit over time, your overall attitude will become more positive and resilient.
    • Learn from your peers. Read stories about how other business owners and entrepreneurs used a positive attitude and outlook to navigate the ups and downs of running a business. Once you learn that all business owners face challenges, the easier you can get through your own.

    As an accounting professional and a business owner, maintaining a positive, motivated outlook is as important as balancing your books and turning a profit. Make sure you invest in yourself, as well as your business.

    To talk more about this, or anything else, please Contact Us.

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