Know What Employees Want from You

5 Things Employees Really Want What do your employees really want? Jumping to conclusions is never safe. To be a better manager, remember these basic truths about everyone who works for you: “I want to feel important.” No one wants to feel like a number, interchangeable, or easy to forget. Get to know your employees as people; find out what makes each one unique and show them you’re paying attention to their individuality. “I need encouragement.” Even the best employees continue to flourish with positive feedback. Let them know what they’re doing right and how they can keep performing at
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5 Benefits of Being Organized and Clean

Being organized is good for your health and happiness!  There are a couple of articles and memes making the rounds on Facebook and other social media saying that those who are constantly late, disorganized, and cluttered are more happy and/or productive. However, there is more information that backs the idea that being organized and clean is more beneficial to your health and happiness. Here are five benefits of being organized and clean: Less Stress Knowing where everything is and where it goes can help reduce your stress. According to a study done by Shape, those who live in cluttered spaces are
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