Personal Routines and Business Procedures: What Works and What Doesn’t

The Importance of Routines and Procedures Not everybody loves routines and procedures. But everybody has them. When you wake up in the morning, you probably have a routine or a ritual that you go through in order to wake up and get ready for work. This might be a routine that someone taught you when you were a kid. Or it might be something that you’ve arrived at over the years because you feel that it works for you.  Sometimes, we just go through these routines and procedures without thinking about whether they really work for us. It might take
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7 Productivity Tips

Increase Your Productivity With These Tips!  Know your priorities Have a vision Do you have a 5 year vision? Do you keep a vision board? If yes, how often do you look at it? What you focus on expands – Google images, words such as health, fun, travel, etc. – a visual of what you want Goals are essential Divide them into 90 day chunks Write them down – be accountable If you aren’t achieving your goals, then check your vision & get clear direction Planning beats willpower Willpower will fail you – don’t rely on it Rely on planning
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Systems: The Key to Having a Successful and Profitable Business

Putting Systems In Place to Grow Your Business  Most accountants don’t have a systemized way of running their business.  They wing it and do things off the cuff. They are constantly in reactive mode (putting out fires) instead of being proactive (growing their business).  Being reactive is very costly due to repeated mistakes, lost sales and clients, and minimal profits. Implementing effective systems can change that. Systems are the key to getting more done.  They are the solution to getting the results you want.  It takes intensive work and focus to build effective systems in your business, but investments of
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5 Unique Employee Benefits

Unique Employee Benefits Set Your Company Apart!  Most companies provide at least basic employee benefits, including health and dental insurance, but by providing a couple of unique employee benefits, you can guarantee that your employees will feel respected and appreciated. These are the employees that you know will be loyal and helpful to your business. Check out these five unique employee benefits that some companies have taken an interest in. Gym Memberships- Many companies have begun offering free or reduced-price gym memberships to their employees. Providing programs to keep your employees healthy will not only make them feel appreciated, but will
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5 Benefits of Being Organized and Clean

Being organized is good for your health and happiness!  There are a couple of articles and memes making the rounds on Facebook and other social media saying that those who are constantly late, disorganized, and cluttered are more happy and/or productive. However, there is more information that backs the idea that being organized and clean is more beneficial to your health and happiness. Here are five benefits of being organized and clean: Less Stress Knowing where everything is and where it goes can help reduce your stress. According to a study done by Shape, those who live in cluttered spaces are
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Make Every Minute Count During the Workday

Tips On Managing Your Work Time Effectively Time is your most valuable asset at work. If you struggle to get everything done on time and accurately, consider this advice for managing work time more effectively: Question everything. Look at each task and ask, “Is this the best use of my time right now?” Delay or eliminate anything that’s unrelated to your most important responsibilities. Eliminate distractions. If you have an office with a door, close it to prevent interruptions. If you’re in a cubicle, consider posting a “Do not disturb” sign when you need to concentrate or finding an empty
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Rev Up the Disengaged Employees in Your Workforce

Motivate Employees That Are Unproductive  Some employees come to work every morning, leave promptly at 5:00 p.m., and do just enough work to get by. Frequently they’re the remains of formerly enthusiastic and productive employees who are burned out or just feel forgotten. Here’s how to change that: Explain roles. Make a point of telling employees why you need them to do what they do. A thorough understanding of the role they play will help them find greater value in the work they do.   Communicate customer feedback. Most employees enjoy hearing from customers. Share information and feedback about how
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Start the Day Inspired

Be Inspired Many people start the day not so much inspired as angry, frustrated, grumpy and irritated at having to get out of bed in the morning. Happily, there are some changes you can make to your morning routine to try to change those morning blues into something more positive.   For instance, one method of preventing yourself from starting to stress out the moment you open your eyes is to avoid looking at phone messages or emails for at least 15 minutes after you wake. Whatever it is, it can wait.   Another good piece of advice is to
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