The Birth of “Excellence”

How Excellence Was Born!  Tom Peters didn’t exactly give birth to excellence, but he did establish the idea that companies can achieve excellence under the inspiration of a management guru—like himself. It all began in the spring of 1978. John Larson of McKinsey’s San Francisco office was set to give a presentation to a client. But his computer crashed and took with it his notes. He turned to another consultant, Tom Peters, to throw together a presentation that would satisfy the client. Peters had just returned from traveling the world to compile research on best practices in business. Up until
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Win Support and Success

How To Win Support and Be Successful  You can’t please everybody, as the saying goes, but you’ll do better on the job—and in your life—by being likable. When team members and friends enjoy your conversation and companionship, they’ll be more eager to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Here are some pointers on how to win support and be successful. in your -professional role.  You can boost your overall “likability” by focusing on these areas: Listen to people. No one likes to be ignored. Pay attention when friends and team members are talking to show that you’re not
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Make Every Minute Count During the Workday

Tips On Managing Your Work Time Effectively Time is your most valuable asset at work. If you struggle to get everything done on time and accurately, consider this advice for managing work time more effectively: Question everything. Look at each task and ask, “Is this the best use of my time right now?” Delay or eliminate anything that’s unrelated to your most important responsibilities. Eliminate distractions. If you have an office with a door, close it to prevent interruptions. If you’re in a cubicle, consider posting a “Do not disturb” sign when you need to concentrate or finding an empty
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Rev Up the Disengaged Employees in Your Workforce

Motivate Employees That Are Unproductive  Some employees come to work every morning, leave promptly at 5:00 p.m., and do just enough work to get by. Frequently they’re the remains of formerly enthusiastic and productive employees who are burned out or just feel forgotten. Here’s how to change that: Explain roles. Make a point of telling employees why you need them to do what they do. A thorough understanding of the role they play will help them find greater value in the work they do.   Communicate customer feedback. Most employees enjoy hearing from customers. Share information and feedback about how
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Start the Day Inspired

Be Inspired Many people start the day not so much inspired as angry, frustrated, grumpy and irritated at having to get out of bed in the morning. Happily, there are some changes you can make to your morning routine to try to change those morning blues into something more positive.   For instance, one method of preventing yourself from starting to stress out the moment you open your eyes is to avoid looking at phone messages or emails for at least 15 minutes after you wake. Whatever it is, it can wait.   Another good piece of advice is to
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