Out Of This World Customer Service When Managing Stressed Customers

Smart executives who look forward to a long and happy life for their companies know two things about customer service: 100% of your customers won’t be 100% happy with you all the time.  Interactions with stressed customers are critical to the strength of a business. A company’s reputation for poor customer service spreads quickly, especially in a time when social media has such a powerful effect on shaping public opinion. Even before the days of social media, the rule of 10 applied. A bad night’s sleep and a cranky morning that results in a negative interaction with a customer spreads to the next 10
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Nuanced Tips for the Best Office Etiquette

Office etiquette is a subject that has been discussed and debated in depth for some time. The recommendations are typically the same: be punctual, avoid gossip, keep your devices silenced, and be aware of your lunch mess. However, there are some subtler aspects of practicing office etiquette that you may not be aware of. Make an effort to include excluded coworkers Cliques are the bane of any workplace.  Making an effort to include excluded coworkers in conversation inside the workplace, at workplace functions, and even at office happy hours will create a more positive environment for all employees. In order
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Keep Your Focus on What You Do Best

Practice management is one of the hardest parts of running a small business. All of the infrastructural elements that large corporations have to manage, such as data security, finance, customer service, and legal documentation, are still on your to-do list. But managing all of those elements without the large employment force that big businesses can bring to the table is a challenge that seems unending. If you started an accounting practice because you wanted to focus on certain types of accounting services, you can still do precisely that. Here’s how:  Make a list of what requires licensed expertise and what
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Three Easy Steps To Retaining Your Best Clients

We all have those clients we consider our best or maybe even favorite. They are easy to work with, transparent about details and probably personable. But that doesn’t mean they’re loyal. Chances are, if they’re a great client for you, they’ll also be a great client for your competition. Landing new clients is an ongoing effort, but retaining your existing clients is equally important. Here are three easy steps to building strong customer loyalty. Business Checkup Ask your clients for a meeting to perform a business checkup. These can be conducted seasonally, annually or quarterly. A business checkup will give
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Staying Motivated When Work Gets Tough

Not every day in the office is a walk in the park. Even if you normally love what you do, sometimes work can get you down. When your day starts without coffee, the traffic is bad, you’re behind on work or others at work are sharing their own stress, it can be surprisingly challenging to stay positive and productive. Often during bad days, even your own mind turns against you and it’s easy to start not just feeling bad about the day, but also feeling bad about yourself. On these days more than any other, it’s important to never give
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Managing Employees: Four Benefits of Finding the Right Fit

Finding candidates with the right temperament, skills and passion for your business isn’t easy, and compensation constraints can sometimes preclude the most talented applicants. However, you can save money over the long run by finding the right fit for your office. There are specific monetary and qualitative benefits by opting to pay more for qualified employees.  Faster Production Cycle Times Qualified candidates by definition know what they’re doing, which can increase your productive capacity without expanding your workforce. There are all kinds of monetary benefits associated with the fast and efficient cycle times qualified workers can deliver. You can reduce
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Help Employees to Be Less Stressed

There are a number of reasons why employees can become stressed, including workload, lack of control over the process of decision making, inefficient time management, uncertain performance expectations, and a failure to take holidays or set clear boundaries between work and home. Management can assist their employees to deal with stress in a number of ways. One of the most important things managers can do is simply to pay attention to staff members and see if they seem agitated, anxious or overwhelmed, and if there have been any changes in their overall behavior and demeanor. If an employee seems continually
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Ways to Wow Your Customer

People have so many options when it comes to in-person and online businesses today. Options are good for the consumer, but how do you make sure your clients choose you every time? These tips will leave a lasting impression on your clients to be sure they keep coming back to you. Go the Extra Mile Clients will remember a company or individual who went above and beyond for them. This could be something as small as helping them out the door when they leave, or it could be something time consuming like researching a specific good or service they are
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Managing Your Staff & Fostering an Environment of Support

When you first hired your employees, you essentially needed them to assist you in performing your accounting services. You’ve probably quickly learned how easy those ‘helpers’ could turn into your ‘work family.’ Now you’re finding yourself in a true leadership and management position, charged with supporting and growing your staff, as well as your business. Here are three suggestions to keep your management on par with success for your practice. Lead By Example You hear this advice often. You don’t want to ask your team to do something you, yourself don’t practice. But it’s so important in leadership and means more
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Increase the Benefits of Delegating Duties

How to delegate tasks is an important issue, but which tasks to delegate—and why—are equally good questions. Take delegation to a higher level with this advice: Focus on growth. Use delegation as a strategy for employee development. Assign tasks that stretch your people, not just busywork that’s so “safe” nobody could screw it up. Think big: Delegate tasks that will have an impact on your employees—and your organization.  Analyze your responsibilities. When deciding what to do yourself, consider the value of your own time. Would you authorize paying somebody at your salary level to change the toner cartridge? That doesn’t
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