Continuous learning is one of the top habits for any entrepreneur. If you’re not consuming information content about how your industry is changing, you might get left behind. Adjacent areas of expertise, like technology, marketing, and sales, are just as important. Knowing how systems work together opens the door for faster growth and bigger wins. Stay current with these three growing areas of marketing analysis: 

    How are visitors interacting with your company website?

    Websites are a requirement for almost every business. Whether your company uses your website as a landing page for entirely offline products and services or your website is a critical part of your business process, you need to know how people use it. Set aside time to learn the basics of Google Analytics so you can start to see when visitors are leaving, what tweaks are the most valuable, and how to make your site a better interface.

    How measurable are your sales and marketing?

    Whether you’re in sales or not, how scalable those sales are is impacting your net profit. If your company has a lot of interested viewers but few of them are converting into leads, then at least you can start to look for the problem. But if you don’t know what percentages of interested prospects are becoming paying clients, it’s impossible to know if something is wrong. Start researching analytics tools and portals that support your sales pipeline.

    Who is your ideal client?

    Customer personas and target markets don’t just matter to salespeople. If you’re in customer service, you need to know who the customers are so you can anticipate questions. If you’re in finance, learning about your company’s target market can help you pick the right invoicing tool and financial terms for fast turnaround. Marketing tools give you this insight, and learning how consumers operate before and after a sale can give you even more.

    Contact us to see how understanding marketing can transform your business practices.

    If you are finding value in these blog articles, you may want to check out our community of small to medium size accounting/bookkeeping firms.  Our set of systems can truly turn your business around and reduce the stress load you carry.  

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